Lih-Kuang Industry

立匡實業有限公司成立於1983年, 三十多年來,提供許多優良的高性能塑膠複合材料, 且不斷追求技術革新, 精益求精。 除此之外, 在這變化的年代中, 立匡也力求創新, 並且持續不斷的開發新材料, 以增加產品的競爭性以及其附加價值。

為了提供更好的服務, 立匡除了提供高性能工程塑膠外, 也致力於協助各個產業的顧客開發其關鍵零組件, 以期幫助客戶降低生產成本, 藉以提升其產品的層次以及競爭力。經過二十多年的產業扎根, 立匡服務範圍現已遍及各個產業, 如電子、半導體、檢測、氣動工具、TFT-LCD設備、醫療、紡織、模具工業、PCB、汽車…等。                                                                         

立匡創立至今三十多年, 一直秉持著誠信正直, 服務至上, 成長創新的企業核心價值 一路走來始終如一。

立匡公司經營首重誠信, 這也是我們企業文化的基石。 創辦人在創建立匡之初, 即把公司品格放在第一位。 面對客戶時, 我們不浮誇、重承諾、負責任。 在公司內部, 我們依舊堅持誠以待人的準則; 公司用人也以人品、能力為基準, 把誠信的精神落實到每個層面。

立匡重視服務品質, 我們不斷提升品管系統, 確保每一個送達客戶手中的產品,
品質皆是最優良的。立匡認真看待客戶滿意度, 協助顧客開發新產品, 並提供
專業的材料諮商, 以期大幅增加產品的附加價值及顧客競爭力。 立匡抱持著與
客戶建立長期互惠關係的態度, 是您永久的工作夥伴。

在這瞬息萬變的年代, 立匡深知創新對於企業永續經營的重要性, 面對關於創新的問題時, 我們不曾妥協。 立匡持續不斷地研發創新, 提高專業度, 觀察產業動向, 積極發展新技術, 並且提高效率。 立匡不做被動的跟隨者, 我們主動出擊, 秉持著創新的理念, 不斷地成長茁壯。


Company Profile:
Lih Kuang Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in 1983. For more than 30 years, we provide many outstanding high-performance composite plastics and meanwhile, we constantly pursue technological innovation and keep improving to achieve excellence. In this changing era, Lih Kuang continuously innovates, and consecutively put effort in the development of new materials in order to increase the competitiveness of the product as well as its added-value.

In order to provide better services, Lih Kuang is not only providing high-performance engineering plastics, but also committing to assist customers in various industries to develop their key components. As a result, the customers are able to lower their production costs and enhance their products’ level as well as the competitiveness in the industry. After twenty more years of operating experience in the industries, the scope of Lih Kuang’s services is now available in various industries such as electronics, semiconductors, test fixtures, pneumatic tools, TFT-LCD equipments, medicals, textile, mold & die, PCB and autos… etc.
Business Philosophy:
Lih Kuang always uphold the corporate core concept of integrity, quality service and growth innovation for twenty more years and this core values never ever changed since Lih Kuang was founded.

The operation of Lih Kuang always attaches great importance to integrity and integrity is also the cornerstone of our corporate culture. The founder of Lih Kuang set the company’s character in the first place. When facing the customers, we do not exaggerate, and we keep our promises as well as the accountability. Within the corporate, we still insist the prudential guidelines to treat people. The base of recruitment is also focus on personal integrity and competence; we carry out the spirit of good faith into every level in Lih Kuang.

Lih Kuang pays great attention to the quality of service. We constantly upgrade the quality control system to ensure that every product deliver to the customers has the best quality. Lih Kuang takes seriously on customer satisfaction and assists our clients to develop new products as well as provides professional material recommendation.
Lih Kuang holds the attitude of establishing long-term mutually beneficial relationships with our clients and is your best permanent working partners forever and ever.


In this rapid changing era, Lih Kuang recognizes the significance of innovation to the continuity of a corporation. When facing the issues regarding to innovation, we never compromise. Lih Kuang is continuously doing research and innovation, enhancing the professional degrees, observing industry trends, actively developing new technologies and improving efficiencies. Lih Kuang is not a passive follower; we take the initiative with the concept of innovation to incessantly grow and be strong.




